The Serrano Lake Project: how would you like a lake for Christmas?

At the November 23rd city council meeting, the Yucaipa city council approved the construction of the soon to come Serrano lake. This lake is just one part of a much larger environmental project entitled the Wilson III Basin Project. This project will cover a large period of time, and Phase 1A of the plan alone costs about $4.5 million. The basic benefits of this plan include better protection from flooding, more control of sediment and debris in the drainage system, improving water quality, providing multi-purpose trails and other recreation opportunities and activities, providing better opportunities for both passive and active groundwater recharge and providing much more open space and habitat preservation areas. So overall a big move for the city in favor of the environment, and the community. In addition to the lake, the project will be establishing a new public park and a new housing development. The name ‘Serrano’ was picked because it was the name of a Native American Serrano village located near a small spring and lake in Yucaipa. The Village was called Yu’Kaipa’t, and it is believed to be where the name Yucaipa originated from. So naming the lake after the Serrano is quite fitting with the history of the town.

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